This article provides a detailed explanation on how to temporarily lend your 3DMG construction equipment to other companies over the web.
Companies that temporarily borrow 3DMG construction equipment from a lending company can send data to the borrowed 3DMG construction equipment, share bucket information, and integrate it with other applications within their project sites.
Procedures and Explanation
【Operation by the borrowing company】
1. Open Smart Construction Pilot (web) and click on the 【[1] icon of the construction equipment.】
2. Select the construction equipment to be loaned and click the 【 "1"Assignment】 button.
3. Select the 【"1" company】 or enter the 【"2" Email address (account) of the borrower】, set the scheduled start date and scheduled end date (optional), and then click 【"3" Save】.
*The 【"1" Company】 can be any company to which you have lent in the past.
*The 【"2" Email】 will be the account of the other party which is used in the Smart Construction portal site.
【Operation by the borrowing company】
1. Open Smart Construction Pilot (web) and click 【"1" Assignment】 icon to approve the loan.
After approval, the product can be used and set up at the necessary jobsite.
【Bucket data lending function】
1. Open Smart Construction Pilot (web), click the 【1 "Bucket icon】 , and select the bucket to be shared from the 【2 "Bucket】.
1Click the 【"1" Share Bucket button】 in the Bucket Details menu, select the company to share the data with, and save the data.
*The companies to which you have lent data in the past will be displayed in【 "[2] "Shre the same bucket】.
*Bucket data can also be downloaded and imported directly to the tablet.
【End of loan process】
The lender opens Smart construction Pilot (WEB), clicks on the target construction equipment, checks the details of the loan, enters 【"1" End Date】, and 【"2" Save】.
*The loaner can control the loan status.
*The loan will not be terminated until the end date is entered, even if the scheduled end date has passed.
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