This article provides a detailed explanation on how to check the accuracy of the 3DMG construction machine by comparing the coordinate values of the cutting edge with the coordinate system points (reference points) set up at the job site in advance before using the machine.
It is recommended to check the coordinates on a daily basis to avoid misunderstandings and rework due to lack of confirmation.
Procedures and Explanation
1. Tap 【"1"the bucket】 icon.
2. Select the same coordinates as the pile on site from the 【"1"Control Point】 list.
3. Align 【"1"Cutting Edge Position (L, M, R)】 with the pile (reference point) to obtain the cutting edge information by 【"2"Update button】 . The difference between the selected control point and the acquired cutting edge position information is displayed in the 【"3"Difference】.
*If the bucket cannot be aligned with the pile, float the bucket from the pile (reference point) and input the measured value of the float.
Tap the check to save 【”1"the data】 to the management application (Pilot WEB)
If there are no coordinates for the pile (reference point) in the option
1.Tap 【"1”the + button】, enter the coordinates of the pile (reference point) to be compared, and touch the check.
2. Confirm that the entered coordinate values can be selected and use them.
Matching function
1. Tap 【“1"MATCHING】 and check when the difference values are reflected in "Offset".
After measuring the difference, if there is a variation in accuracy with depend on to the pile (reference point) to be compared and you want to temporarily address it, you can add correction to the acquisition information received by the construction machine and use it.
*A certain amount of correction is applied based on the acquisition information at the time of setting, so even when the acquisition information is good, a certain amount of correction will be applied. Long-term use is not recommended.
The icon will light up in yellow while matching is in use.
In case of inaccuracy, please refer to the following
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